New Beginnings Dog Training Blog

What is Allowed?
Is your dog’s overexcited and pushy behavior becoming a problem? Address dog behavior issues in one area and you may experience a benefit in another.
A Reliable Command
Does your dog have reliable commands? Can you give your dog a command knowing he will comply? Do you have to repeat commands over and over until eventually you get what you want or give up? Sit, sit sit, SIT…finally! A command of Come is much easier when you are...
The Problem with Separation Anxiety
What really causes separation anxiety in dogs? Is it from a traumatic experience? How do we explain it in a dog that has had only one home and owner? Should we call it separation anxiety if a dog doesn’t want to go into a crate? Certainly there are situations where a...
Dog Training and Passing the Baton
Dog Training and Passing the Baton If you are like me, you may remember back to when you were in grade school and running a relay race in gym class. It was so important not to drop the baton and we practiced that drill over and over. Above all it was important...
Rescue Dog – Looking for Direction
Rescue - Looking for Direction Rescuing a dog is a common and welcome practice these days. Our shelters are full of dogs needing homes for any number of reasons. Sometimes new adopters are told a back story and sometimes nothing at all is known about the dog coming...
Tips on Training your Serve and Protect Breed
TRAINING YOUR SERVE AND PROTECT BREED We all want our dogs to have happy, healthy and fulfilling lives. You may not realize that your dog needs continual training to achieve that perfect life. Why is that fact true? A dog that is confused as to who is in charge may...
When Good Goes Bad
WHEN GOOD GOES BAD: DOG BEHAVIOR Sometimes the behavior on our dog is hard to understand. We give them so much, from food to love to a warm house. Yet it is difficult to understand when our dog doesn’t seem to appreciate what we have given and seems to suddenly...
A New Year’s Goal
A New Year’s Goal NEW BEGINNINGS………It is both my company name as well as what you can achieve in this new year. We always start the year off with a blank page, uncluttered with what the year prior has thrown at us. As you prepare to activate your new years'...
2017: The Year in Review
THE YEAR IN REVIEW... At the end of any year it is always a time to review and reflect on how the year went, in general. What were your positives and what didn’t go so well? Sometimes we all wish for a “do over” in many aspects of our lives. Where can I make changes...
Over Excitement versus Aggression
THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN OVER EXCITEMENT AND AGGRESSION Having an aggressive dog can be a scary thing and I have been in the company of many. Not all dogs that may appear aggressive, actually are aggressive. In many cases it is a matter of over-excitement or...

New Beginnings Dog Training LLC
232 Memorial Dr.
Bath, Pennsylvania 18014
Monday-Saturday 8:30-7pm
Sunday 12-7