A New Puppy in the House – New Beginnings Dog Training Blog
So there is a new puppy at your house, how exciting!
As soon as the excitement dies down your left with, what’s next? What is the best way to get this new puppy off to the best start possible? To crate or not to crate? What is the best way to teach house breaking? My puppy is biting and chewing how do you make it stop? Where should the puppy sleep? What do you do when the puppy grabs things and runs?

Too often owners fly by the seat of their pants expecting the new dog to be just like the old “well behaved” dog they had before.
These are all great questions, and I think we often think about these issues after we have gotten the puppy and some of these issues occur. Too often owners fly by the seat of their pants expecting the new dog to be just like the old “well behaved” dog they had before. Unfortunately it just doesn’t work that way. Dogs don’t always get that memo!
There is no better time to train a dog than when they are young, puppies are like sponges! Puppy training may be the best gift you give yourself. Love those puppies but have them trained!